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Hearing the Voice of the Child

#LiveWith​Nat Featuring Kim Billington

Happy New Week, everyone! Today's topic is very essential especially to parents and school counsellors. I am pleased to introduce to you one of our gorgeous authors, Kim Billington.

Kim is an experienced and qualified counsellor, and accredited counselling supervisor. She has built a career working with families. She wrote her book with us, A Counsellor’s Companion, as a way to pass forward her knowledges and learnings about ways to support children to: counsellors, parents and teachers.

Kim’s passion is to support people who work and live with children and young people to make time and space to hear the voice of the child.

In her career as a counsellor, Kim has written many training booklets and had articles published in professional counselling journals. Let's hear more about Kim and her book in the interview below...

"Parents need to learn to connect before they correct. I hope people will hear about ways to be with children to help them express their emotionswhere emotions can be found, why they arrive, and what we can say to them and when is the best time to help children develop skills to reflect and regulate their emotions (this does not mean we teach children to ‘control’ them, or that we ‘distract’ the child because we cannot bear strong emotions)" - Kim Billington

Thank you very much for watching! See you again next week!


Nat xx