Over the past few years, I have been working very diligently on designing my business offerings around one key pillar, leveraging your business via becoming a published author.
I followed a well-walked path to get where I am today, which included one-on-one mentoring, long hours and trial and error working out the sweet spot, and understanding what my market is responding to.
So how did I get to know what my audience wanted? Well, I gave them so much content, explored different angles and offerings and took particular notice what words and phrases they took action on.
There wasn’t a blog, article, webinar, workshop or feedback form that I didn’t evaluate and use to help me create my signature framework.
In the infancy of your business, you can do work on your avatar and ideal client until you are blue in the face but until you out of content out there, you are taking shots in the dark.
This is where business owners go one of two ways.
They never give their potential market a chance to react to their offerings/service/product because they are too scared or apprehensive to put something out there that people MIGHT NOT respond to or…
They never give their offering a chance to ‘take’ as they change too quickly rather than marketing and promoting the same thing in a different manner.
It can be tough.
We are told to start a be active on social media, start a FB group, start a Meet-up or networking event, write blogs, run webinars, run workshops, create programs, the list goes on and on let alone deliver our service to our existing clients.
When you spread yourself too thin and the ‘stuff’ you are promoting isn’t getting the response you were expecting, don’t put out something totally different, just tweak it and give it a chance a 2nd and even 3rd time.
If the webinar that you scheduled and promoted didn’t get the numbers attending live on a Tuesday, schedule another one on a different day of the week and a different time. Change the title, change the graphic and go again. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
In marketing and advertising, it has been proven that two identical ads that only have one word different can convert at totally different rates, in cases 30% higher with one word different.
The potential damage to your credibility and status is when one week you a promoting weight loss mindset programs and then the next week you are talking about clear skin solutions. Then the following week you are promoting healthy lunch box ideas for kids.
Yes, they all might be related in some way but you are sending a very confusing message for those people following you and rather than become an authority figure in one specific area, you are seen as a dabbler in many.
Take note of your posts, blogs or workshops that attracted the most attention and reverse engineer the words, the images and the call to actions and slowly but surely you will develop your signature framework and then it is a simple matter of wash, rinse and repeat.
Ultimate 48 Hour Author Blueprint to Business Success workshop has now been delivered more than 100 times in varying formats and I am the ‘go-to’ authority for those people wanting to leverage their business via a book.
What will be your thing?
Love Nat x

P.S: Are you ready to be inspired and enlightened? It's that time of the year again. The Ultimate 48 Hour Author retreats have now produced over 150 first time authors and a couple of times a year we get together with a group that have their books published. This time we have a huge number of 18 launching on this night!
Join this fascinating group of authors for a night of fun, drinks, nibbles and your favourite book to take home on the night. Amazing unique stories and books.
All information here:
There is a limit of 100 tickets for the night so book in and support your fellow family, friends or fellow business owner. Great night to network with like-minded people and if any of the past launches are to go by - this one will be HUGE!