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Get in Line and Stay in Line

Your Success is Available if & When You Reach that Register

· goal setting,Marketing,Networking

What does that really mean? Well we all have waited in line many times before. When we are distracted by something shiny or interesting away from the line – what happens? We need to get back into the end of the queue and start waiting again for our turn. The same thing happens when we are waiting for success to arrive.


You are probably thinking – you can’t wait for success, you must take action, massive action and work your butt off until you achieve what you perceive to be success. Yes I do agree all of that is true, but I also know that as you are taking that action and working your butt off you must take stock of what you are doing and the decisions you are making along the way.


I have seen many an entrepreneur, chop and change and go for the next shiny object that is promising to be their magic bullet to success. Hell I event sell a program that seems like the magic bullet – Ultimate 48 Hour Author. The program is authentic to its name, the success you are after from authoring a book will take a little longer than 48 hours. That is why our authors receive lifetime support in marketing and sales when it comes to knowing what to do with the book once its out.


I had to learn the ‘get in line and stay in line’ wisdom myself in the first 13 months in my business. At one point I was running 3 different niches, writing a book, studying a 2 year diploma had my day job and was being the primary carer or my baby boy. To say I was juggling too many big balls would be an understatement. My mentor at the time said to me: ‘ Nat just pick on thing and go deep and become known for that.’ Of course I think he told me that a few times until it really sunk it and I understood what it meant – get in line and stay in line right?


Nowadays I see it happen all the time with businesses as they look to find their thing, as they adjust and try different things and wonder why no one is paying attention when at a networking event you say ‘I do this blah blah blah and I do that and I also do that.’ WTF. I am lost. Even if you do more than one thing – just talk about one thing – make it appropriate to the audience and have an awesome call to action – KISS!


Similar thing applies when investing in mentors and programs – Get in Line and Stay in Line – if you have hired someone to give you advice or to teach you a system then follow that advice – do what they say, don’t go out asking others you are not paying what they think. Others that perhaps also don’t have the results you are looking for.


Don’t lose your spot in the line to success. Its available to everyone so long as you follow this wisdom. My second mentor said to me: ‘Nat success is not luck, success is a sequence of logical steps executed over a period of time. Some will take longer and some shorter depending on resources of time, money, talent and ability to play the mind game of business. But it can happen for anyone that stays the course to success.’


I love observing how successful people make decisions and take action. I look to model that and learn to recognise un-resourceful patterns in myself and others. The recipe seems to have very similar ingredients one way or the other.


Get in line and stay in line!

Work Hard – Play Hard…


Love Nat x

What does that really mean? Well we all have waited in line many times before. When we are distracted by something shiny or interesting away from the line – what happens? We need to get back into the end of the queue and start waiting again for our turn. The same thing happens when we are waiting for success to arrive.

You are probably thinking – you can’t wait for success, you must take action, massive action and work your butt off until you achieve what you perceive to be success. Yes I do agree all of that is true, but I also know that as you are taking that action and working your butt off you must take stock of what you are doing and the decisions you are making along the way.

I have seen many an entrepreneur, chop and change and go for the next shiny object that is promising to be their magic bullet to success. Hell I event sell a program that seems like the magic bullet – Ultimate 48 Hour Author. The program is authentic to its name, the success you are after from authoring a book will take a little longer than 48 hours. That is why our authors receive lifetime support in marketing and sales when it comes to knowing what to do with the book once its out.

I had to learn the ‘get in line and stay in line’ wisdom myself in the first 13 months in my business. At one point I was running 3 different niches, writing a book, studying a 2 year diploma had my day job and was being the primary carer or my baby boy. To say I was juggling too many big balls would be an understatement. My mentor at the time said to me: ‘ Nat just pick on thing and go deep and become known for that.’ Of course I think he told me that a few times until it really sunk it and I understood what it meant – get in line and stay in line right?

Nowadays I see it happen all the time with businesses as they look to find their thing, as they adjust and try different things and wonder why no one is paying attention when at a networking event you say ‘I do this blah blah blah and I do that and I also do that.’ WTF. I am lost. Even if you do more than one thing – just talk about one thing – make it appropriate to the audience and have an awesome call to action – KISS!

Similar thing applies when investing in mentors and programs – Get in Line and Stay in Line – if you have hired someone to give you advice or to teach you a system then follow that advice – do what they say, don’t go out asking others you are not paying what they think. Others that perhaps also don’t have the results you are looking for.

Don’t lose your spot in the line to success. Its available to everyone so long as you follow this wisdom. My second mentor said to me: ‘Nat success is not luck, success is a sequence of logical steps executed over a period of time. Some will take longer and some shorter depending on resources of time, money, talent and ability to play the mind game of business. But it can happen for anyone that stays the course to success.’

I love observing how successful people make decisions and take action. I look to model that and learn to recognise un-resourceful patterns in myself and others. The recipe seems to have very similar ingredients one way or the other.

Get in line and stay in line!

Work Hard – Play Hard…

Love Nat x